Mountain Man Hand Puppet


Mountain Man Hand Puppet. Puppets are approximately 10” tall by 5” wide and come in 14x11” packaging.

All he wanted was to live alone in the mountains. He thought he would smoke fish on the banks of a frigid river, learn stories from the stars, tell jokes to birds and warm himself by an enormous fire wrapped in bear skins and buffalo hides. When he was a child he imagined living in a tipi like the Sioux, but when he came out west he learned that erecting them was usually a group activity and the Sioux had been violently forced out years earlier. It was 1890 when he arrived in Montana, and the territory had already been admitted into the Union. General Stores began to specialize and the frontier filled up with candle shops and churches. He was 31 when he completed his cabin (somewhat in the mountains and relatively near a river) and nobody would leave him alone.

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